Im thinking about you.
im thinking about you like 1 thinks about 2.
Im thinking about you like walnuts think about when they're going to sprout.
im thinking about you like kids think about what they will become when they grow up.
im thinking about you like a book thinks about being opened and read.
Im thinking about you.
these are all pretty good ways to express the way im thinking about you
the only problem is that i dont think that way
that was all a lie
i think about what was.
rather than what is to come.
im thinking about you like 1 thinks about 0
im thinking about you like a walnut thinks about what tree it came from.
im thinking about you like a kid thinks about where they came from!
im thinking about you like books think about who wrote them!
so i am thinking about you like the present thinks about the past!
and the past thinks about the future!
the the future thinks "when the hell are you going to get here"!!
Because baby I'm waiting for you. I'm waiting.
but it turns out you were waiting for me all along.
and once i got my mind straight
you were long gone
and thinking about you has become regrets of the past
where i think about you and how i could have been happy making you happy
but i was to scared.
when i start thinking about you i get scared.
no its not your face
or your weight, height, likes or any other physical traits and interests.
its that your to good.
your to good, and i could have been with you.
but i just started thinking way to much
and lost my chance
so baby im thinking about you now
im thinking that im sorry i think too much
and baby im thinking about you for who you are.
and im sorry i messed up.
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